Highsider Electronic Relay 6-14V


Highsider electronic relay (two-channel) 6-14V.

Example 1 :
You want to use a small push button with a low flow rate to switch a horn, for example (high power consumption). To prevent damage to the button due to normal power consumption, this simple electronic relay is used. This allows switches or buttons to be used to switch high currents.

Example 2:
On some motorcycles (e.g. INDIAN) the turn signal signal ground is clocked.
This means: With the help of the electronic two-channel relay, it can now convert the ground flash signal to positive. This means that all indicators, indicator/tail light combinations or indicator/position lights can still be used.

- Per Unit
- Completely waterproof
- WxHxD: 17x17x9.5mm

Red (thick) = ignition plus 12V(+)
Yellow (thick) = Work output CH2 (+)
Blue (thick) = Work output CH1 (+)
Yellow (thin) = Control plus signal CH2
Blue (thin) = Control plus signal CH1
Yellow/Black (thin) =Check negative signal CH2
blue/black (thin) = control minus signal CH1
maximum power: 40 Watts


Unit Piece